
Build Your Own Scale Kits

These build your own scale kits are great for designing a custom weighing system or perhaps saving a few bucks. The weighing equipment is all high quality and can often be used to create things like floor scales, platform scales or some of these could even be used to weigh liquid in a tank. Keep in mind these kits include only the equipment. You will need to design your system, install it yourself, and then set it up and calibrate it. Take a look at the video below to see how one group built a cattle livestock scale using a scale kit.

  • Stainless Steel Floor Scale Kit 20KBuild Your own 20,000 pound Capacity Floor Scale Kit. Stainless Steel load cells; Stainless Steel indicator LED. Includes the following: Indicator, Interface Cable, Junction Box, Summing Board, (4) Load Cells and (4) Leveling Feet. Price includes ground shipping (continental US)
  • Stainless Steel Floor Scale Kit 10KBuild Your own 10,000 pound Capacity Floor Scale Kit. Stainless Steel load cells; Stainless Steel indicator LED. Includes the following: Indicator, Interface Cable, Junction Box, Summing Board, (4) Load Cells and (4) Leveling Feet. Price includes ground shipping (continental US)
  • Stainless Steel Floor Scale Kit 5KBuild Your own 5000 pound Capacity Floor Scale Kit. Stainless Steel load cells; Stainless Steel indicator LED. Includes the following: Indicator, Interface Cable, Junction Box, Summing Board, (4) Load Cells and (4) Leveling Feet. Price includes ground shipping (continental US)
  • Stainless Steel Floor Scale Kit 2KBuild Your own 2000 pound capacity Floor Scale Kit. Stainless Steel load cells; Stainless Steel indicator LED. Includes the following: Indicator, Interface Cable, Junction Box, Summing Board, (4) Load Cells and (4) Leveling Feet. Price includes ground shipping (continental US)
  • Build Your Own Floor Scale Kit 20KBuild Your own 20,000 pound capacity Floor Scale Kit. Alloy Steel load cells; Basic Weight indicator with LED display. Includes the following: Indicator, Interface Cable, Junction Box, Summing Board, (4) Load Cells and (4) Leveling Feet. Price includes ground shipping (continental US)
  • Build Your Own Floor Scale Kit 10KBuild Your own 10,000 pound capacity Floor Scale Kit. Alloy Steel load cells; Basic Weight indicator with LED display. Includes the following: Indicator, Interface Cable, Junction Box, Summing Board, (4) Load Cells and (4) Leveling Feet. Price includes ground shipping (continental US)
  • Build Your Own Floor Scale Kit 5KBuild Your own 5000 pound capacity Floor Scale Kit. Alloy Steel load cells; Basic Weight indicator with LED display. Includes the following: Indicator, Interface Cable, Junction Box, Summing Board, (4) Load Cells and (4) Leveling Feet. Price includes ground shipping (continental US)
  • Build Your Own Floor Scale Kit 2KBuild Your own 2000 pound capacity Floor Scale Kit. Alloy Steel load cells; Basic Weight indicator with LED display. Includes the following: Indicator, Interface Cable, Junction Box, Summing Board, (4) Load Cells and (4) Leveling Feet. Price includes ground shipping (continental US)
  • Transcell DBS Tank Scale Kit 10,000 lb CapacityThe 10,000 lb capacity DBS Weigh Module kit is designed for use in medium capacity weighing systems, including but not limited to tanks, hoppers, vehicle, and rail track scales. This DBS load cell mount kit comes with four alloy steel mounts, four (5K) load cells, one NEMA 4 ABS Junction box with summing board, and 50 feet of load cell cable.
  • Build Your Own Scale for Weighing TractorsBuild Your own platform scale for weighing tractors complete with Alloy Steel load cells and Basic Weight indicator with LCD display. Includes the following: Indicator, Interface Cable, Junction Box, Summing Board, (6) Load Cells and (6) Leveling Feet.

Livestock Scale Kit Build Your Own Scale at a Fraction of The Price

These homemade livestock scale kits allow you to build a livestock scale very inexpensively. We recommend a steel platform but you could use something like a wood platform if you're weighing lighter animals or objects. You don't want the platform flexing. However, for cattle, the platform would need to be more heavy duty steel or metal style frame underneath to bolt the load cells onto. Note: if you weld on the platform, make sure you do it before you have load cells installed.

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