
Medical Cannabis Scales for Dispensaries

Medicinal cannabis or as some refer to it, medical marijuana, is legal in some states. One of the requirements to sell cannabis is a Legal For Trade Scale. Below is a group of our favorite choices for this market. These scales are generally the most popular legal for trade balances that would provide you and your customer accuracy and reliability.

Before you make a purchase, please be sure to contact your local state weights & measures office to make sure of the requirements for your particular state that you're doing business in. As we've found out, not all scales will work as a dispensary scale for selling marijuana. In fact, some NTEP scales might not work, depending on what class they are listed as.

Be sure to contact your state first to make sure what scale(s) you need. Rules, regulations and laws regarding the use and sale of any type of Marijuana can be overwhelming, so a little research ahead of time can be very smart and save you a lot of headaches.

Our selection of top loading balances are a great choice for this industry. These one decimal place and two decimal place balances are the ideal solution for your weighing needs. We feature top brands like A&D, Vibra, Rice Lake, and Ohaus. If you need a blend of value and economic pricing then take a look at our scales. You will always find a great selection and deep discount prices. Many lab balances feature internal calibration, easy to read display screens and popular features.

  • EK-6000i A&D Legal for Trade NTEP Balances
    A&D EK-1200i NTEP Balance 1200 x 0.1gThe A&D EK-1200i EVEREST SERIES compact balances have been designed with enhanced electronics, wider selection of capacities & resolutions, and all feature RS-232C as standard. 1200 x 0.1g NTEP approved class II.
  • EK-6000i A&D Legal for Trade NTEP Balances
    A&D EK-600i NTEP Legal Balance 600 x 0.1gThe A&D EK-600i EVEREST SERIES compact balances have been designed with enhanced electronics, wider selection of capacities & resolutions, and remote-zeroing. Buying gold from customers, this might be the scale you need. All feature RS-232C as standard. 600 x 0.1g NTEP Class III approved.
  • Ohaus SJX1502N/E NTEP Balance 1500 x 0.1gDesigned for Legal-for-Trade applications, the NTEP certified SJX1502N/E balance is ideal for commercial transactions involving items like jewelry, precious metals or medical marijuana dispensary. Equipped with superior overload protection, large backlit display, fast stabilization time, multiple weighing units, and connectivity options, these balances offer truly user friendly weighing. 1500 x 0.1g
  • Adamlab Highland HCB 123 Balance Adam Equipment 0.001 grams
    Adam HCB 103aM Highland Class II NTEP Approved BalanceHighland approved portable precision balances are packed with features and meet Class II requirements for use in retail applications. Readings are provided in carats, grams, or kilograms. The Highland includes RS-232 and USB interfaces, rechargeable battery and AC operation, capacity tracker, adjustable feet and level, lockdown capability and more. Removable draft shield. legal-for-trade. 100 x 0.01g
  • Intell-Lab ALE-322NC NTEP Dispensary Balance E=D Dispensary Scale, Direct Sales Compliant, Class II NTEP Legal for Trade & Measurement Canada Approved. Ideal for Cannabis, Jewelry, Precious Metals and Pharmacy. Vibra® Tuning Fork Sensor. Capacity: 320g x 0.01g. (d) & (e) 0.01g. Ground Shipping Included (cont'l US)

Legal for Trade Scales for Weighing & Selling Cannabis

If you are looking to sell recreational cannabis in a dispensaries setting you will want to choose NTEP legal for trade scales and balances. The scales we recommend are Legal for Trade and accurate, typically to either 0.1g or 0.01g readability. Many of the dispensary scales also include a RS-232 serial port to connect the scale with other devices like a printer. Our selection of digital cannabis scales are typically designed for either a regular dispensary or we have some wholesale groups as well who purchase these digital scales. Many of these customers are interested in the under hook function of a scale which in some cases, depending on capacity, allows the whole cannabis plant to be weighed.

As we have stated many times in the past, since this is a relatively new marketplace, we recommend that you contact your state to determine exactly what rules and state regulations exist for purchasing cannabis scales. For example, do you need class 2 or class 1 scales, etc... Our list of recommended scales that are NTEP certified scales are posted on this webpage.


One thing we always suggest before you purchase a scale is to contact your local weights & measures department and determine precisely what rules and regulations that your city or state has in place for marijuana scales. The rules can vary from place to place. One rule that we are hearing about a lot these days is the rule regarding the "d" of the scale. In the past, many of the legal for trade lab balances used for weighing cannabis were NTEP approved and could actually display better accuracy. For example, the NTEP certified readability may have been 0.1 g but the balance was actually capable of displaying 0.01 g. We are now being told that for direct sales, dispensaries need to choose weighing scales that have "d" equals "e". In other words the balance should display weight with one certified readability. At the moment, there are not a lot of precision balances available for the cannabis industry that meet that standard.

What scale should I buy to weigh cannabis?

Your desire to find a high quality & accurate scale to weigh cannabis is becoming a very popular journey. The elusive search for the best electronic scales for weighing cannabis plants can be a long process. We've even had potential customers contact us and ask "how can I measure my cannabis without a scale?" It's kind of hard to do that without a weighing instrument! We suggest two things... First, we recommend contacting your state for guidelines on what specs your legal for trade scale needs to meet and then second, we recommend you contact us for some buying advice & recommendations. We have been providing weighing scales for cannabis dispensary applications for years. We try to provide quality scale choices and have been doing so since 2005.  

Anytime that we look at our site analytics or just search data in general on the subject of scales for weighing cannabis, we find that customers who are interested in this product also search for things like weed scales for personal use, marijuana scales, pot scales, etc... So we have to mention that as well.

Whether you're shopping for cultivation scales or weed scales for smoke shops, you're looking for accurate measurements. And, hopefully quality equipment at a sale price and maybe free shipping. We recommend learning more about questions like: what's a trade scale, do I need a rechargeable battery, what weighing units do I need, what does 0.01 lb mean, what does class ii or class iii mean?

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